While it remains unsafe to gather in person, we are happy to announce that we will take part in the NAMM Believe in Music Week, January 18-22, 2021, the digital global gathering to unify and support the people who bring music to the world.
Lavoce will host a virtual booth in the NAMM Marketplace where you can book meetings with our team members and get to know our latest products and corporate news.
We hope to meet you there!
Everyone can attend the NAMM Show digital event!
Free registration for the 2021 NAMM Believe in Music Week can be found here: https://attend.believeinmusic.tv/register.
Contact us for more information or to request a meeting with our team in advance.
Tom James
M +1 502-706-1104
Email: tom.james@lavocespeakers.com
Pierpaolo De Minicis
M +39 349 47 60 452
Email: pierpaolo.deminicis@lavocespeakers.com
UK, EMEA, Asia Pacific
Kevin Shove
M +44 7809 902457
Email: kevin.shove@lavocespeakers.com